1. Making Websites Multilingual
  2. Automatic Translation of Websites
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Site Translator 4.17

Making Websites Multilingual

One of the most important things for a website is to get its message across to the widest possible audience. A majority of Internet users today are either American or European. Websites can gain a competitive edge by having multilingual versions of its content to reach out to customers who might speak a different language.

Site Translator makes this possible with just a few clicks.

Preparing to translate a website

The Site Translation feature allows you to translate complete folder(s) or files(s) to any of the supported languages. Before translating your website, make sure that all of your web pages are in one folder for convenience. You also need to decide on the location where you intend to save the translated folder. Site Translator allows you to translate folders present anywhere in your network, just make sure that the required permissions to access the folder are granted for the PC on which you are running the Site Translator. If you choose to translate a folder, then all its subfolders containing htm, html, asp, aspx and xml pages are automatically translated.

Improving the accuracy of translation

Site Translation automatically translates using Machine Translation technology. Automated Machine Translation produces adequate but not perfect translations due to the inherent nuances of every language. Site Translator provides you with the Translation Memory feature, a technology designed to overcome the shortcomings of Machine Translation. The Translation memory consists of a database of source and destination language pairs. Its contents are updated with every translation. New records are added to the Translation memory, while less frequently used records are replaced. You can fine tune this database with specific words and phrases, along with their translations, for improved accuracy. During the translation process, the Site Translator first checks the Translation memory, and if the record is not present then Machine Translation is carried out using the Translation Servers.

Benefits of Translation Memory

  • Automatic re-use of existing translated material results in faster translations
  • Improved accuracy of translated documents
  • Improved consistency amongst translated documents
  • Ideal for Technical documents and documents with a lot of local flavor
Before translating a website, use the Translation Memory feature effectively for getting better translations.

Translating a website

A website can be completely translated in the following manner:
  1. Start the Site Translator. The Site Translation interface opens by default.
  2. Please specify the path of the folder which needs to be translated in the field below the label, 'Specify the folder path on your computer/network'. You can either specify the path by typing it or by navigating to the folder by using the Browse button.
  3. Specify the path of the folder where you intend to keep the translated pages in the field below the label, ‘Specify the path to store the translated file or folder’. Site Translator automatically creates a destination folder, at the path you specify, if the folder is not present.
  4. Before translating the folder, you can also specify the file names for the Translated files. On the Options menu, click on General Settings.
    You will see the following window:
    Site Translator - General Settings


    If your viewers are unable to see the translated content properly, and their browser displays block characters, then the encoding settings need to be changed. Site Translator uses Unicode by default as it is the most widely used and most compatible encoding format.
    Translation file name
    a. If you choose the first option, namely ‘Append language prefix to file names’, the translated file names will have a language prefix preceding the original file name.
    For example, a file called as index.htm will be translated to French with the file name being fr_index.htm. It is recommended that you use the language prefix.
    b. If you choose the Use original name for converted file option, the translated file names will be the same as the source file names.

  5. Click the Translate button, to start translation. You can monitor the progress in the files list view.

Organizing your Translated web pages

Websites, which have multi lingual versions, usually have links on the home page to view the site in some other language. If you maintain the language prefix, it becomes simpler to navigate between the home page and other languages. All you need to do is to add the translated index page link to your primary index page. Since Site Translator maintains all the hyper-linking on your web pages, your viewers would be able to see your site in their language by simply navigating from the translated home page.

Now that you have your translated pages organized, you can upload them on to the web server.

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