2.Understanding the User Interface
3.Using WebCam Monitor
4.Perform Actions
6.Remote Monitoring
Live Broadcasting
Configure Broadcasting
Select a Broacasting Profile
See who is viewing Broadcast
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Create and Edit FTP Profile
View Upload Status
8.View Recorded Events
9.Application Settings
10.Configuring the Proxy Server
11.Getting the IP Address of Your Computer

WebCam Monitor 6.28

Select a Broadcasting Profile

WebCam Monitor uses the default profile for encoding video data as it is broadcast.  A profile contains information about how the video broadcasts should be encoded or compressed so that they take up only the bandwidth given in the profile.

For example, if you select a profile that encodes video broadcasts at 56Kbps, the broadcast will play properly over an Internet connection of 56 Kbps or more.  Users with less than 56Kbps will experience pauses or disturbances in the Internet connection when viewing the broadcast.  The lower the bandwidth you select, the lower the quality of the broadcasted video.

If you are allowing multiple users to connect at once, remember to multiply the bandwidth by the maximum number of users when checking it against the upload bandwidth of your Internet connection.  For example, if your upload bandwidth is 128 Kbps, you can only allow a maximum of 2 users at 56Kbps (2 x 56 = 128).  If you are broadcasting from multiple cameras, the bandwidth used for each camera must be added together to find the total bandwidth required.

For example:

Camera 1: 1 user at 56 Kbps   - 56 K

Camera 2: 2 users at 56 Kbps - 128 K

Camera 3: 1 user at 56 kbps   - 56 K

Total Bandwidth used           - 256 K

Note: There can be a delay ranging from a few seconds up to three minutes in the broadcast stream.

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