1.Welcome to Email Responder
2.Getting Started
3.Email Responder Client
4.Email Responder Administration

Email Responder 2.43

Email Responder

Welcome to Email Responder

Your customers want their mail to be answered quickly and accurately. Until now, Email Response Management Systems were largely restricted to the very largest enterprises. With Email Responder, this vital business tool is now available whether you have 1, 10, 100, or 1,000 employees.

As new messages arrive, Email Responder analyzes the contents and extracts important information like the customer's name, and the product or service mentioned. Messages can be assigned automatically to a person or group based on their contents. Your support representatives can reply to routine email in only a few clicks and with no typing at all using predefined answers. Expertly-designed templates reduce training costs, and the answers you send will always be the best possible. Smart Fields in each template adjust to the information extracted from each message, letting you send personalized replies to each customer, automatically.

When answering a customer message, you have access to all previous correspondence, the customer's full contact details, and a history of what products and services were purchased from you. Never ask your customer the same question twice again! By making it easy to find the customer history, Email Responder shortens response time and increases accuracy.

Email Responder's multi-user design makes it easy for a group to process email from one or more accounts. With user-defined rules, messages are assigned to either an individual or group, so that messages are processed by the correct person quickly.

Sophisticated analysis tools turn your email history into a valuable resource. You can use built-in reports to measure the performance of your customer service staff and the company's customer service department. By analyzing which generate the most queries, you can even improve your company's products and services.

Respond to customers faster and more accurately, for less money.


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