Open A Artwork
Freehand Painter lets you open a blank document or an existing artwork. Blank document gives you freedom to set page settings according to your recent need. You can reuse the objects by opening, your existing artwork.
Create A New Artwork
To create a new document, do one of the following:
- Launch Freehand Painter. When application launches, a blank document gets open.
- If you are working in Freehand Painter and want to open a new document, Click File Menu >> New.
When you create a new document, you can customize the drawing tools as per your requirement.
Open an Existing Artwork File
To open an existing document, click File Menu >> Open.
Browse to the location where you have saved your artwork. Either double click on the file or select the artwork file and click Open.
Open a Recently Edited Artwork
To open recently edited or opened artwork, click File Menu >> Recent Artworks.
A popup list appears, that displays 9 most recently edited documents. Select the document from the list.