Using the latest Auto FTP Manager, I have to report the following bug:
When using automated transfer "copying from (FTP Server) to (Local Drive" / Overwrite with Newer - a one way sync, I am getting the following behavior:
Initial Sync works fine. All files copy.
But then if I change the name of a folder on the FTP Server (source) I get the following result:
1. All of the files from the new folder on the target (local drive) do get copied. (proper)
2. All of the files from the old folder on the target drive do get deleted. (proper)
3. None of the folders/subfolders are removed on the target (not good!)
4. a PART of the OLD folder structure gets created on the source (FTP server) (VERY WIERD)
I was planning on purchasing this software, because it is exactly the kind of thing I need.
Jason G