3.Understanding User Interface
Website URL Translation Interface
Text and Document Translation Interface
Translation Memory Interface
4.Getting Started with Translation
5.Working with Translation Memory
6.Trouble Shooting

My Personal Translator 1.46

My Personal Translator : Text and Document Translation Interface

Text and Document Translation Interface

To select Text and Document Translation option, click "Text and Document Translation" tab on the main interface window.  The following interface is visible:

Let us discuss each section of the interface in detail:

  1. Menu bar
  2. Toolbar Options
  3. Input Text box
  4. Clear, Translate and Save Translation buttons
  5. Translated Text box

Menu bar

It includes the File, Edit, Options, Format and Help menus.

Toolbar Options

The toolbar includes the following options:

  • Editing Options
    The Editing options include:
  • Open
  • Save
  • Find
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Font
  • Color
  • Configure Translation Memory
    Configuration of translation memory includes specification of the maximum number of words in a sentence and the Match Percentage.
  • View Translation Memory Contents
    Here the translation memory contents are displayed in a tabular form.
  • Translate
    This option enables the translation of the entered text to the destination language.
  • Language Pairs
    The combo box lists the source-destination language pairs.  My Personal Translator currently supports 14 language pairs.
  • Print
    This displays a Printer dialog box, if at least one printer is installed on your system.
  • Print Preview
    This displays Print Preview of the input/output text, if at least one printer is installed on your system.
  • Minimize to System Tray
    If this option is selected, on minimizing the application, the application icon appears in the system tray.  To restore the view, right click on the icon and click the "Restore" option. 
  • Help
    This option displays the help section of the product.

Input Textbox

Here you can enter the text manually or can open different types of documents like Text, Microsoft® Word® or RTF.  You can also set different font and color for the text.

Clear, Translate, Save Translation buttons

The Clear button deleted all text in the Input Text box.  Click the Translate button to convert the entire text in the input box.  The translated text appears in the Output Text box.  Save Translation button can be used to save the translated text at a path specified by you.

Output Textbox

The translated text in the desired language is shown in this textbox.  You can edit and/or save this text to a file of desired format.

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