2.Understanding User Interface
3.Recording your PC Screen
4.Screen Recording Options
5.Automate your Recordings
6.Video Tools
7.Uploading and Distributing
8.Custom File Format
9.Application Settings
10.Helpful Tips
Record Media Players and Games
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My Screen Recorder Pro 5.32

Recording Media Players and Games

Media players and games display very high motion graphics and can take up a lot of CPU resources.  This may result in blocky screen recordings.  A high-end computer is required to handle both, the graphics and screen recordings.

You can prepare smooth screen recording by performing the following actions:

  1. Select WMV Motion and Music (Medium Resolution) (by default) for your screen recording from Tools >> Settings >> Recording Format.  Every frame in the graphic is properly recorded.  You may select WMV Motion and Music (Very High Resolution), but at times, recording at the maximum available frame rate may not provide smooth recordings.  Moreover, capturing at a high frame rate requires a lot of CPU resources.
  2. Decrease the area of the screen to be recorded.  If the software displays graphics in a window, use the Custom Region recording for that portion to be recorded.

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