This section will help you to understand what DVD ripping is, how DVDs are organized, and how to use Rip DVD Plus to create the proper video and audio files your use.
DVD Ripping: Converting video and audio from a DVD into any other format. For instance, turning a DVD movie into a QuickTime file. See What is DVD Ripping?
Titles: A DVD may be divided into Titles. A Title is a particular episode or subject. For instance, on a movie DVD, the movie itself would be one title. A "Making Of" documentary would be a second title. Previews would be a third title. On a DVD of TV shows, each episode of the show would be a separate title. Titles have no restrictions on length. Some DVDs have only one title.
Chapters: A title can be further broken down into shorter chapters. This helps with navigation, and chapters are often listed in DVD menus.
Angle: DVDs can include multiple views of the same scene from different cameras. These multiple views share the same sound track. The Angle feature is often used when text is part of a scene (such as the scrolling text at the beginning of Star Wars) to allow multiple language versions of the scene to be included.
Audio Track: A DVD can contain multiple versions of the sound track. This allows you to hear the movie in several different languages, or to hear the director's or cast's commentary on the action instead of the normal audio.
Subtitle: Many DVDs include one or more subtitle tracks. Subtitles are text at the bottom of the screen which shows the dialogue. Subtitles are often used when watching a movie in a foreign language, if the viewer prefers to hear the original dialogue instead of a dubbed version on a different Audio Track. They are also very useful to deaf viewers, and when watching movies in a noisy environment.