Types of Device Setups
WebCam Monitor supports various setups using a single camera or multiple cameras attached to your computer.
Single Device Setup
The simplest type of setup is to connect a single capture device to your computer. You can then configure WebCam Monitor to use this device for monitoring.
Setting Up One or More Devices for Monitoring
WebCam Monitor enables you to use one or more devices for monitoring. If you have multiple cameras connected to your computer then you can configure WebCam Monitor to use all of them in a cycle. Every device or device pair monitors for 60 seconds and then monitoring begins with the next one in the cycle.
USB Hubs
The number of USB ports present on a computer is usually two. If you want to monitor from more than one camera, then use a USB Hub. A USB Hub typically contains 4, 6 or 8 USB ports.
IP Cameras
WebCam Monitor supports cycling through multiple IP cameras. You can setup one or more IP cameras for monitoring. Read the article: IP Camera based Security Setup.