1.Introduction to Text Speaker
2.Understanding User Interface
3.Working With Text Speaker
Text to Speech
Converting Text to Audio
Changing the Voice
Adjusting Volume, Speed, and Pitch
Insert Pitch Change
Adjusting Pronunciation
Create Audio Outline
Add Bookmarks
Talking Reminders
Insert Pause
4.Application Settings
5.Troubleshooting Speaking or Converting Documents
6.Keyboard Shortcuts

Text Speaker 3.32

Insert Pitch Change

One of the most important ways to make speech sound natural is to emphasize it correctly.  Proper emphasis can also change the meaning of a sentence.  For instance, these two sentences mean different things:

We CAN do it!


WE can do it!

In Text Speaker, emphasis is shown by changing the pitch of the word or the phrase.

To emphasize a word or a phrase, select it and click Edit >> Change Pitch for Selected Word / Phrase.

The text is now surrounded by <pitch absmiddle=" N "> and <pitch absmiddle=" M "> tags.  Where, N represents the pitch change selected by user using Insert Pitch dialog and M represents the value of pitch previously selected by user on Voice bar.

Following is the example for showing the document contianing Pitch change tags:

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