3.Manage User Accounts
4.Manage Projects
5.Project Overview
6.Assign Tasks
7.Organize Tasks
8.Task Dependency
9.Share Notes
10.Viewing Reports
11.Understand Notifications
12.System Maintenance
Backup and Restore Database
Repair Database
14.Helpful Tips

Team Task Manager 2.41

System Maintenance

The need to backup the database on a regular basis is a major requirement of any system using a database.  Backups maybe used to provide a means of recovery from a critical situation.  Team Task Manager provides the facility to take complete backups of the database and restore it.  You can take backup of the database from the Database Server PC or you need the Administrator or Secondary Administrator login to take the backup from client PC.  Restoring the database can only be performed on the Database Server PC.

The topics discussed in this section are:

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