How to Cut Text
You can remove characters, words, lines, and paragraphs from one location and paste it to another within the document. When you cut the text, it is saved on the clipboard. Paste Command can be used to place the removed text anywhere in the document.
Note - Cut is different from delete. Delete command erases the text permanently. Cut command temporarily removes the text which can be pasted again anywhere within the document.
Note - Please press and hold control key before you use any select command. Otherwise application will recognize it as a text and not as a command.
To Cut recently dictated word or phrase
This command cuts the last phrase or line that has been dictated.
To Cut Specific Words
The <text> may represent any word or a phrase. For maintaining the recognition accuracy of Dictation Pro, length of <text> should be minimum. The command allows you to remove a word or a phrase temporarily from the document.
If the spoken <text> occurs multiple times in your document, you can easily resolve the Multiple Matches.
To Cut a Range of Words
The command helps to remove a part of document temporarily. <text1> and <text2> represent the actual words at the beginning and end of selection range.
If <text1> and <text2> occur multiple times in your document, you can easily resolve the Multiple Matches.
To Cut One or More Characters
The command helps to cut a character after the current location of the cursor.
- Cut next <2-20> characters
You can cut 2-20 characters after the current location of the cursor from one location to another.
For example, say "Cut next 5 characters".
The command helps to cut a character before the current location of the cursor.
- Cut previous <2-20> characters
You can cut 2-20 characters before the current location of the cursor.
For example, say "Cut previous 5 characters".
To Cut One or More Words / Lines / Paragraphs
- Cut next word / line / paragraph
The command helps to cut a word / line / paragraph in which the cursor is present.
- Cut next <2-20> words / lines / paragraphs
You can cut 2-20 words / lines / paragraphs after the current location of the cursor.
For example, say "Cut next 5 words", "Cut next 2 paragraphs".
- Cut previous word / line / paragraph
The command helps to select a word / line / paragraph in which the cursor is present.
- Cut previous <2-20> words / lines / paragraphs
You can cut 2-20 words / lines / paragraphs before the current location of the cursor.
For example, say "Cut previous 5 words", "Cut previous 3 lines".
Note - An alternate word for "next" is "forward" and other words for "previous" are "back" and "last".