Deleting or Archiving a Project
After the successful completion of a project, you can either delete or archive it. The Delete option allows you to either remove an entire project or the task groups and tasks in it. By default, all the data is stored on the Database Server. If you choose to Delete, all the data relating to the project will be erased from the server. However, if you want to retain the data then select the Archive option. The completed projects or task groups will be saved on the server for future reference.
Deleting a Project
A project can be deleted by the Admin or Secondary Administrator. To delete a project, select the project and click on Edit >> Delete.
On the Delete Projects dialog that is displayed, you can click on Delete to completely remove the project from Team Task Manager. Once the project is deleted, it can not be restored.
Archiving a Project
Team Task Manager allows you to archive projects and task groups. By default, all archived items are hidden in the Project section. To see the archived items, click on Tools >> Settings >> Display and check the Show all Archived Projects and Task Groups option. In the Projects section, archived items appear in Italics.
An Admin, Secondary Administrator and Project Manager can archive projects and task groups. If you want to work on an archived project and task group again, you can un-archive it. However, tasks can not be archived separately.
To archive or un-archive a project or a task group, select it and click on File >> Archive.