Undoing and Redoing Actions
The Undo ( ) button on the Toolbar reverses the last action you performed. Clicking the small black triangle that is part of the button displays a list of actions that you have performed in Video Edit Magic Express. Clicking on an action in this list nullifies the effects of all the actions that you had performed after that action. This is an excellent feature if you wish to undo a bunch of commands using a visual interface. The subsequent actions that were nullified are available to you only if you don’t perform a fresh action at this point. Once you perform a fresh command, the list begins afresh from that point forwards and all the subsequent commands (their effects on your project) are nullified permanently. You can also select a nullified action and make it active by using the Redo ( ) button on the Toolbar.
Undoing Editing
One way of undoing a recent command is to click Edit > Undo. You may use Edit > Undo as many times as you wish to nullify the effects of your commands in a sequential, manner, backtracking each preceding command, step by step. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Z does the same thing.
Redoing Editing
To sequentially redo your undone commands, click Edit > Redo. You will not be able to redo an undone command if you issue a fresh command after the undo operation. The number of Redo operations available to you is equal to the number of Undo operation that you have performed. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Y.