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Team Task Manager 2.41

Filtering Tasks

Team Task Manager provides a pre-defined set of filters to view and analyze the specific aspects of a task.  Task filters specify which task or information should be displayed in the task view.  If your project has many tasks and involves many assignments, filters can be very useful for viewing a specific range of information.  Filters allow you to display the tasks that you're interested in and hide the rest.  For example, when you apply the Task Status filter, tasks with selected status are displayed.

Each column of the Task List has a separate filter button.  By default, the filters are set at "All".  Clicking on a filter button opens a list of the various filtering options available for a particular column.  You can select any of these by clicking on it.

When the filters are applied, the button becomes blue and the name of the selected filtering option is displayed next to it.  For instance, if you select the " Overdue " filtering option for Status, the word "Overdue" appears next to the filter button.  You can narrow the filter criteria by selecting more than one filter.

Note: Other than Project filter, filtering is done on the task only.

Available Filters

(By default, every filter is set at 'All' and displays all projects, tasks groups and tasks)

  • Comments: Selecting Yes displays the tasks that have a comment.  No does exactly the reverse. 
  • Attachments: Selecting Yesdisplays the tasks that have an attachment.  No shows those with no attachments. 
  • Tags: This filter displays tasks that have a specific tag to categorize them.  For instance, you could add an Important, Critical, Low, Question, Discuss, Idea visual tag to the tasks. 
  • Project Name/Task Name: All tasks of all projects are shown by default.  You can customize this filter to show a particular project or task group of a project by selecting it from the drop-down list. 
  • Status: Use this filter to show those tasks with a specific status: Pending, Overdue, On Hold, Completed, Pending and Overdue
  • Assigned To: Select one or more team members to view the tasks assigned to them.  This helps the Project Manager monitor the work of individual team members. 
  • Modified Date, Start Date, Due Date and Completed Status: Each of these filters lets you select either Last Year, Last Month, Last Week, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month, This Year or Range.  For the Range option, you can specify a start and end date. 
  • Modified By: To know the name of the user who has modified the projects or tasks.  You can set filter on multiple users to see all the tasks they have modified. 
  • Author: The Author filter shows all the tasks created by a specified team member.  You can customize this filter so that tasks assigned by one or more team members can be filtered out.
  • Archive: Shows those tasks, task groups and project which are marked archive provided that your option from Settings >> Display section >> Show All Archived Projects and Task Groups is checked. 

Note: Selecting a filter does not delete the tasks from your project, it hides them.

Turn Off Filtering

You can turn off all filtering by clicking View >> Filters.

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