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Issues while Converting Files

Digital Media Converter 4.2

Having Trouble Adding Files for Conversion?

Having Trouble Adding Files For Conversion?

This troubleshooting section discusses the messages you may receive when trying to add media files to conversion list.  Digital Media Converter has been enhanced to not only give you 'More Information' on why the file did not get added but also suggest ways to help you add the file for conversion.

  • Unable to read, Access Denied: Windows is refusing to access to the file.  Check that the file is not owned by a different user, and that Windows security settings do not forbid you to read the file.
  • Unable to load the file: The file could be corrupted, or may contain audio and/or video streams not supported by Digital Media Converter.
  • Invalid OS for DVR-MS conversion: DVR-MS conversions require Windows XP or later operating system.  DVR-MS conversions do not work on Windows Server 2008 PCs.
  • This file is not a valid media format.  It does not contain audio/video streams: This error appears when the selected file is not a video or audio file.  One common cause of this is trying to import a Flash movie (SWF) which is interactive.
  • Unable to find Audio Device, Audio Hardware Problems or Audio Drivers are not present: These errors may appear if the audio devices (speakers or headphones) are not attached to the PC, or your Windows Audio Service is stopped manually (On Windows Server 2008 by default it is stopped).  You can start this service manually by pressing 'Windows Key (ΓΏ) + R', this will open Run dialog and then type 'services.msc' to open Services Window.  Now find the Windows Audio service, and double-click on it to start this service. 
  • Missing Audio or Video codec: Digital Media Converter requires an audio or video codec to add the file to conversion list.  With the help of 'codec name' given in the message try to download and install suggested codec and then try again to add the file.  If still this file is not getting added to the list then try to repair the file using Repair tool using Digital Media Converter PRO.

    Example: Codec name can be "Indeo Video 5".  Search, download and install this codec to add the file.

  • Protected media found: Added file is protected by Digital Rights Management.  DRM term is used to describe any technology that inhibits uses of digital content not desired or intended by the content provider.  You cannot convert protected media.
  • Media file is non-seekable: Non-seekable files can not be converted.  But these type of files can be repaired it in Digital Media Converter PRO where you can use Repair tool

If none of the above solutions work, you can visit Digital Media Converter Support Forum at

Read the article: Troubleshooting Compatibility Issues

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