Animated Transform Effect
With the Animated Transform effect, you can make your videos rotate and/or move at the same time. When you start from an off-screen position, you can make your video clips/images roll into view. This effect is most commonly used for the "newspaper spins into the frame" effect.
Start Position
Specify the Start Position from which you want to start moving and rotating the video clip/image. Use the sizing handles to resize the rectangle that shows the Start Position of the video. You can also use the Left, Top, Width and Height boxes to set the Start Position accurately, in pixels. To quickly position your video, you can also use one of the Presets.
End Position
The effect will move and rotate the video up to the End Position you specify. Use the sizing handles to resize the rectangle that specifies the End Position of the video. You can also use the Left, Top, Width and Height boxes to change the End Position accurately, in pixels. To quickly position your video, you can also use one of the Presets.
Free form selection
By default, when you change one dimension of Start or End position, the Animated Transform effect automatically resizes the other dimension to keep the same aspect ratio. For example, when you increase the width of a video that has a width to height ratio of 4:3 by 40 pixels, then Animated Transform will automatically increase the height of the video by 30 pixels. You can switch off this behavior by checking the option Free form selection. This permits you to distort and stretch the video during the transform.
Set end position to be same as start position
The start and end positions (and sizes) become the same. This will cause the transform to be "spin in place".
Number of Rotations
Specify the number of rotations that the video image makes while moving from the specified Start Position to the End Position. For example, for 2 rotations, specify 2.00 and for 2 full rotations and 1 half rotation, specify 2.50. By default, the video rotates clockwise. To make it rotate in the other direction, select the option Rotate Counter Clockwise.
Background Color
When the video clip/image is resized or positioned to that it occupies only a portion of the movie, the background is red by default. To select a different background color, click Custom. To pick up a color from any place on the screen, click and hold the mouse button on the eye dropper icon. Drag the cursor to the color on the screen that you want and release the mouse button.