1.Welcome to Email Responder
2.Getting Started
3.Email Responder Client
4.Email Responder Administration
Installation and Setup
Program Installation
Setup Wizard
Email Accounts
Creating User Accounts
Creating Groups
Rules, Conditions, and Actions
Overview of Email Responder Manager
Tool Bar
The Email Responder Manager Window
Received Email Tab
Blocked Email Tab
Sent Email Tab
Deleted Email Tab
Reports Tab
Session Log Tab
Session Logs
Database Operations
Database Backup
Database Restore
Database Delete
Deactivating Email Responder Manager
Sending and Receiving Mail

Email Responder 2.43

Email Responder Manager: Filtering

Email Responder Manager: Filtering

Filtering lets you display only the messages that you need to see at a particular time.  First, turn on filtering by clicking View >> Filters.  Each column now has a filtering button at the top:  .

Clicking the filtering button opens a drop-down list of filter criteria for that column.  For instance, the Status/Assigned to column will display this list:

Filtered On Status

Click on Agatha and only messages assigned to her will be displayed.

To see only messages from a certain time period click on the filtering button for Date/Time.

Date/Time Criteria

Three columns, From, To, and Subject, use pattern matching to filter the messages.  Here are the Subject filtering choices:

Subject Criteria

If you Choose..., you are asked what Subject to filter on:

Subject Filter Value

What you type is used as a pattern, and any message whose Subject includes what you type will be listed.  Patterns use what is called "wild card" matching.  A "*" matches anything.  For instance, if I type *Media* and click OK, the Received E-Mails list shows:

Received List Filtered on *media*

You can use multiple filters at the same time.  For instance, you could display "All messages from this week that mention the word 'eyepiece' in the subject line." 

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